Organs that Detox Your Body


The words “Detox” and “Cleanse  have been irresponsibly thrown around by marketing gurus than qualified health professionals. These days it seems that everyone has a new detox plan or program that claims to remove toxins from the body. Certainly, there are people out there that know what they’re doing and saying when it comes to [...]

Organs that Detox Your Body2017-03-16T20:30:54-05:00

Guts & Bones: Why Your Stomach Bugs Matter


More and more, scientists are beginning to realize that the human body has systems that rely on each other for optimal health. With the explosion of recent scientific articles on bacterial colonies within our digestive tract, it's becoming apparent that there may be a Gut-Bone relationship. This means that many of the bone diseases we suffer [...]

Guts & Bones: Why Your Stomach Bugs Matter2017-03-16T20:31:39-05:00

Are you Gluten Intolerant or Wheat Sensitive?


Thousands of years ago, humans were simple hunter/gatherers. Our diet consisted of fruits, nuts, tubers and the occasional feast of meat. But eventually, we learned to cultivate plants, and the agricultural revolution was born. And as our eating habits changed, some unanticipated problems certainly arose. Considering that the human gut took 2 million years to [...]

Are you Gluten Intolerant or Wheat Sensitive?2017-03-16T20:32:20-05:00

How Are You Not Dead Yet?


Seriously... How the heck have we survived for so long? Between War, Famine, Terrorism, Ebola, Mad Cow Disease, H1N1, The Non-Vaxxers... aaaggghhhh! How have we managed to survive? Because our body is amazing. Because it's a collection of self-regulating cells that all work harmoniously together to ensure survival. Of course we have survived. What we are [...]

How Are You Not Dead Yet?2017-03-16T20:32:56-05:00

Would you rather have a back problem or a brain problem?


Thousands of people of all ages across the world were asked whether they would rather suffer from a back problem or a brain problem. Every single individual responded that they would choose to suffer from a back related issue. People tend to assume that even severe back problems present less of a health challenge than brain problems [...]

Would you rather have a back problem or a brain problem?2019-06-11T16:03:33-05:00

FDA Bans Toxic Substance from Soap and 5 DIY Cleaning Products


FDA Finally Bans Toxic Triclosan from Antibacterial Soap The federal Food and Drug Administration finally announced that Triclosan, a toxic chemical ingredient associated with hormone disruption in humans, will no longer be allowed in antibacterial hand soaps! As is with most chemical agents found in our environment including medications and vaccinations, the dangers of triclosan [...]

FDA Bans Toxic Substance from Soap and 5 DIY Cleaning Products2018-02-26T15:16:14-06:00

No. Your Doctor Doesn’t Know What I Know


In my training, I've been witness to surgeons cutting open patients to perform surgeries that are complex and powerful. The risks of such procedures usually cannot be tangibly measured when it's a case of necessity. As in the case of urgent open heart surgery or when a patient loses the ability to control their bladder, or when a raging [...]

No. Your Doctor Doesn’t Know What I Know2017-03-16T20:35:00-05:00

Back to School is Literally a Pain in the Neck!


It's school time and that means traffic, homework and backpacks! School can be a pain in the neck, but we can certainly do something about it... especially for our kids sake. There are over 50 million children in America who carry backpacks every day, but many of these students have an overloaded bag or don’t wear [...]

Back to School is Literally a Pain in the Neck!2019-04-16T16:58:28-05:00

8 Sitting Positions That Save Your Spine


Every single one of you should already know about the harmful effects of sitting, but of course, some sitting is not optional. Whether you’re on a flight, driving to work, having dinner or the work environment doesn’t allow for a standing workstation – sitting is a part of our life. Did anyone ever teach you [...]

8 Sitting Positions That Save Your Spine2017-03-16T20:36:16-05:00

4 Reasons Elite Athletes Get Adjusted!


Every elite athlete is concerned with keeping themselves in tip-top shape. These high performers know that it takes a combination of nutrition, recovery and work to excel in their sport, but these aren’t the only ways athletes stay in peak performance mode. Each year, a growing number are turning to chiropractic care including a vast [...]

4 Reasons Elite Athletes Get Adjusted!2017-03-16T20:36:46-05:00
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