How to Move Your Entire Body In 6 Minutes


Movement is Medicine. Even just small doses of movement can extend longevity and can prevent and treat disease. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, suggested that physical activity was essential for good health.  This has been confirmed with recent (and not so recent) studies which tell us that exercise reduces all-cause mortality risk, cardiovascular-related events, [...]

How to Move Your Entire Body In 6 Minutes2020-02-29T11:09:06-06:00

7 Factors that Impact Healing Potential


Undoubtedly, most of our patients begin care because of some ache, pain or other back issue. Certainly, they want it resolved as quickly as possible. This is why pain relieving medications have become so popular. Within minutes, the drugs disperse throughout your body, numbing the symptom, allowing the individual to go about their day... [...]

7 Factors that Impact Healing Potential2020-02-29T11:09:19-06:00

How Often Should I Stretch?


How many times have you asked yourself this question? How many times a week do you actually stretch? Is it worth it? One of the foundations of improving spine alignment and health is improving flexibility and mobility. Most of our neck pain, back pain and joint problems come down to a dysfunction in flexibility [...]

How Often Should I Stretch?2020-02-29T11:09:56-06:00

Fix Your Weak Ankles


The ankle may be one of the most ignored joints (second to the wrist) in terms of physical health, performance, flexibility and injury prevention. One of the most common issues I see in both athletes and the general population is a lack of ankle mobility - specifically, something that's called dorsiflexion range-of-motion. Why is [...]

Fix Your Weak Ankles2020-02-29T11:10:15-06:00

How to Improve Flexibility in 4 Steps


"I've never been flexible." is probably the most common thing I hear when assessing someone's flexibility. That's not an excuse to not be able to get into certain positions. You're a human being with an amazing capacity to move and you're in my office because you have some sort of discomfort, dysfunction or dis-ease [...]

How to Improve Flexibility in 4 Steps2020-02-29T11:11:59-06:00
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